The Highly Sensitive Person

Research Articles by Elaine and Her Collaborators

 下に紹介しているものは、エレイン及び共同研究者による研究論文です。それ以外の著者による関連性の深い論文のレビューは、Aron et al 2012 PSPR Greven et al 2019 Neurosci & BioBeh R に載っています。ただ2019年のレビューはすでに古くなっています。PsychInfo(図書館から接続できる場合)やGoogle Scholarで検索すれば最新の論文を見つけることができるでしょう。「sensitivity」「environmental sensitivity」「sensory processing sensitivity」、または関連するアイデアのワード、例えば「biological sensitivity to context」「orienting sensitivity」といった言葉で検索してみてください。エレインは今後もこのリストをアップデートしていく予定ですが、”sensory processing sensitivity(感覚処理感受性)”についての論文及び関連する論文を、完全に網羅することは難しいことをお断りしておきます。もうひとつ、とても役に立つサイトとしては、Sensitivity Researchもありますのでご参照ください(ただしこちらもすべてを網羅しているわけではありません)。

※運営者より:飯村周平氏による日本版のJapan Sensitivity Researchもありますので、日本人でHSPの研究に興味のある方はぜひアクセスしてみてください

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Aron, E. N., Aron, A., Jagiellowicz, J., Acevedo, B., Tillman, T. (2024). The relationship between sensory processing sensitivity and medication sensitivity. Sec. Personality and Social Psychology.


Aron, E. N., Aron, A., Nardone, N., & Zhou, S. (2019). Sensory Processing Sensitivity and the Subjective Experience of Parenting: An Exploratory Study. Family Relations.


Lionetti, F., Aron, E. N., Aron, A., Klein, D. N., & Pluess, M. (2019). Observer-rated environmental sensitivity moderates children’s response to parenting quality in early childhood. Developmental psychology.


Acevedo B, Aron E, Pospos S, Jessen D. (2018), Review: The functional highly sensitive brain: a review of the brain circuits underlying sensory processing sensitivity and seemingly related disorders. Philosophical Transactions,B 373: 20170161.

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Lionetti, F., Aron, A., Aron, E. N., Burns, G. L., Jagiellowicz, J. and Pluess, M. (2018). Dandelions, tulips and orchids: evidence for the existence of low-sensitive, medium-sensitive and high-sensitive individuals. Translational Psychiatry,8, Article: 24

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Acevedo, B. P., Jagiellowicz, J., Aron, E., Marhenke, R., & Aron, A. (2017). Sensory processing sensitivity and childhood quality’s effects on neural responses to emotional stimuli. Clinical Neuropsychiatry,(6).

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Pluess, M., Assary, E., Lionetti, F., Lester, K. J., Krapohl, E., Aron, E. N., & Aron, A. (2018). Environmental sensitivity in children: Development of the Highly Sensitive Child Scale and Identification of Sensitivity Groups. Developmental psychology, 54(1), 51.

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Jagiellowicz, J., Aron, A., & Aron, E. N. (2016). Relationship between the temperament trait of sensory processing sensitivity and emotional reactivity. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 44(2), 185-199.

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Bianca P. Acevedo, B., Aron, E., Aron, A., Sangster, M., Collins, N., & Brown, L. (2014) The highly sensitive brain: An fMRI study of sensory processing sensitivity and response to others’ emotions. Brain and Behavior, 4, 580-594.

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Aron, E. N. (2012). Temperament in psychotherapy: Reflections on clinical practice with the trait of sensitivity. In M. Zentner & R. Shiner (Eds.), Handbook of temperament (pp. 645-670). New York: Guilford.

Aron, E., Aron A., and Jagiellowicz, J. (2012) Sensory processing sensitivity: A review in the light of the evolution of biological responsivity. Personality and Social Psychology Review,16, 262-282.


Jagiellowicz, J., Xu, X., Aron, A., Aron, E., Cao, G., Feng, T., & Weng, X. (2010) The trait of sensory processing sensitivity and neural responses to changes in visual scenes. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 6, 38-47.

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Stony Brook University press release on it

Aron, A., Ketay, S., Hedden, T., Aron, E. N., Markus, H. R., & Gabrieli, J. D. E. (2010) Temperament trait of sensory processing sensitivity moderates cultural differences in neural response. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 6, 38-47.

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Stony Brook University press release on it

Aron, E., The clinical implications of Jung’s concept of sensitiveness, Journal of Jungian Theory and Practice, 8, 11-43.

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Aron, E. N., Aron, A., & Davies, K. (2005). Adult shyness: The interaction of temperamental sensitivity and an adverse childhood environment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31, 181-197.

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Aron, E. N. (2004). Revisiting Jung’s concept of innate sensitiveness. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 49, 337-367.

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Aron, E. N. (2004). The impact of temperament on intimacy and closeness. In The Handbook of Closeness and Intimacy. Eds. D. Mashek and A. Aron (pp. 267-283). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Aron, E. N. (2000). High sensitivity as one source of fearfulness and shyness: Preliminary research and clinical implications. In L. Schmidt & J. Schulkin (Eds.), Extreme fear, shyness, and social phobia: Origins, biological mechanisms, and clinical outcomes (pp. 251-272). New York: Oxford University Press.

Aron, E. N. (1996). Counseling the highly sensitive person. Counseling and Human Development, 28, 1-7.


Aron, E. & Aron, A. (1997). Sensory-processing sensitivity and its relation to introversion and emotionality, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73, 345-368.

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Carr, Michelle and Nielsen, Tore (2017). A novel Differential Susceptibility framework for the study of nightmares: Evidence for trait sensory processing sensitivity. Clinical Psychology Review

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Slagt, Meike; Semon Dubas, Judith; Aken, Marcel; Ellis, Bruce; and Dekovi?, Maja (2017). Sensory Processing Sensitivity as a Marker of Differential Susceptibility to Parenting. Developmental Psychology

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Pluess, Michael and Boniwell, Ilona (2015). Sensory-Processing Sensitivity Predicts Treatment Response to a School-Based Depression Prevention Program: Evidence of Vantage Sensitivity. Personality and Individual Differences

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Pluess, M., & Belsky, J. (2013). Vantage sensitivity: Individual differences in response to positive experiences. Psychological Bulletin, 139, 901-916.

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Bakker, Kaitlyn and Moulding, Richard (2012). Sensory-Processing Sensitivity, Dispositional Mindfulness and Negative Psychological Symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences

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Belsky, J. & Pluess, M. (2009). Beyond diathesis stress: Differential susceptibility to environmental influences. Psychological Bulletin, 135, 885-908.

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Belsky, J. et al. (2009). Vulnerability genes or plasticity genes? Molecular Psychiatry, 14, 746-754.

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Wolf, M., Van Doorn, G. S., & Weissing, F. J. (2008). Evolutionary emergence of responsive and unresponsive personalities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(41),15825-15830.

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※主に当サイトのブログでアーロン博士が紹介している論文を掲載しています。ここに掲載されている他にも日本人による優れた研究があります。それについてはJapan Sensitivity Researchをご参照ください。

Iimura, S., Yano, K., & Ishii, Y. (2022). Environmental Sensitivity in Adults: Psychometric Properties of the Japanese Version of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale 10-Item Version. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1-13.



Ishikami, Y., & Tanaka, H. (2022). Emotional Contagion and Mirror System Activity in the Highly Sensitive Person. In International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering ISASE2022 (pp. 1-4). Japan Society of Kansei Engineering.



Shuhei Iimura. (2021). Sensory-Processing Sensitivity and COVID-19 Stress in Young Population: The Mediating Role of Resilience. Personality and Individual Differences 184 111183.


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Kibe, C., Suzuki, M., Hirano, M., & Boniwell, I. (2020). Sensory processing sensitivity and culturally modified resilience education: Differential susceptibility in Japanese adolescents. PloS one, 15(9), e0239002.


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Kosuke Yano, Takayoshi Kase, Kazuo Oishi. (2020). Sensory Processing Sensitivity Moderates the Relationships Between Life Skills and Depressive Tendencies in University Students. Japanese Psychological Research 63 (3), 152-163.


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高橋亜希(2016). Highly Sensitive Person Scale日本版(HSPS-J19)の作成 感情心理学研究 第23巻 第2号 68-77

※Aron & Aron (1997)によって作成されたHSPS(HSP尺度)の邦訳版「日本版(HSPS-J19)」を、バックトランスレーションという手法を用いて作成。HSPSの信頼性・妥当性を確認した。結果、神経症傾向についてはAron & Aron (1997)と同様の関連がみられたが、内向性については関連が認められなかった。これは欧米とアジアでは文化的に望まれる性格が異なるせいではと推論している。この邦訳版尺度作成によって、それまで検討されてこなかった日本人の感覚感受性の高さを同定することを可能にした研究。

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The Highly Sensitive Parent


Sensitive Lovers:恋人たちの関係をさらに深く探る”リリースのお知らせ

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Sensitive and in Love

私たちHSPにとっておそらく最も大切なもの―愛する人との関係に敏感さがどう影響するか―にフォーカスした長編映画。the Sensitive and In Loveの詳しい情報と購入はこちらから





ニューズレター“The Comfort Zone”では、イベントや本のリリース、ブログ投稿、それ以外にもHSPだったら関心を持ちそうなニュースなどのアップデートやお知らせをいたします。ぜひお申し込みください。頂いた個人情報はどこにも提供いたしません。




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この日本語版サイトの文章及びデザインは、エレイン・N・アーロン博士の許可を得て使用しています。このサイトの翻訳文・デザイン等を、作成者の許可なく複製・利用することは著作権法で禁じられています  ―  日本語版サイト作成・運営 久保言史
Some of the design and wording of this website is used with the permission of Dr. Elaine N. Aron and nothing here should be reprinted without permission of the designer and translator, Kotofumi Kubo.